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How to create a thank you page and increase conversion

How to create a thank you page and increase conversion

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Once the visitor has registered on the website or subscribed to the newsletters, they are automatically redirected to the thank you page, confirming their registration. While some bloggers don’t harness its power, others prefer to take advantage of a thank you page to learn more about their new subscribers. The following information will teach you how to create a high-converting thank you page to enhance your website performance and business growth.

What is a thank you page

When a lead fills in the opt-in form, they are instantly redirected to the thank you page where the website’s owner expresses gratitude for subscription and presents the next steps. It usually contains a message for registration confirmation and can also present a call-to-action (CTA) to incentivize users to explore the blog. Below, you can see an example:

Why make a thank you page

When users get to the thank you page, they are hot prospects, so you might as well take advantage of that. Instead of just thanking the subscribers, use this as a chance to get to know them better, reward their interest and loyalty and help navigate your website. Here are some more ideas as to why you should harness the power of the thank you page on your website:

  • Display the results of your campaign and the number of subscribers to show how authoritative and popular your blog is.
  • Learn what subscribers are looking for with the help of a questionnaire to target them better.
  • Engage visitors and increase your ranking on search engines by linking to your most popular and valuable content.
  • Lay the foundation for loyalty by rewarding subscribers’ interest with a discount, free trial or a digital product.
  • Increase brand awareness by asking to follow you on social networks.

How to create a great thank you page

Now, let’s see how to build a thank you page that will match your business goals and increase conversions.

Ask visitors to do a survey

A thank you page can be a great marketing research tool that will provide you with testimonials and feedback from your audience. As a result, you’ll be able to address problems better and come up with attractive solutions. Ask for opinions on your website performance and product value or show your interest in subscribers’ daily life, problems, hobbies and more. Try to make your questionnaire short as to not bore visitors. Here is an example of a one-question survey:


Here are some more questions that you can ask:

  • How did you find out about us?
  • Was it difficult to navigate our website?
  • Do you find the information useful?
  • Have we lived up to your expectations?
  • What should our next post be about?

Use free Google Forms to build the survey in minutes and get access to the response stats.

Incentivize feedback

Feedback is the customers’ written experience with a product or service. It shows objectively whether the business is a success or a failure and whether there is room for improvement. Feedback helps understand:

  • Product and brand health
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Brand loyalty
  • Sales strategy effectiveness
  • Customer preferences

The following screen shows what a typical feedback form looks like:

Many customers perceive leaving feedback as boring. That’s why you can overcome competitors by rewarding each testimonial, as in the case below:

This strategy can increase customer responses by 10%–15%. The key point, in this case, is to make the incentive cost-effective to escape financial losses. Consider some more techniques to trigger feedback:

  • Give a time guarantee: “It takes less than 30 seconds to answer.”
  • Show how valuable the feedback might be: “Your opinion is important to us and helps us provide you with the best offers” or “We value your feedback and will use the information you provide to improve our service.”
  • Ask for a one-word opinion.
  • Create a page where the customers can present their preferences and propositions.

Ask visitors to join your community on social media

Ask your subscribers to follow you on Facebook or any other network even if the corresponding widgets are already placed on your website. Increasing your social media community might not affect the sales directly but will help build brand awareness. If the customer becomes a member of your community on social platforms, it means a higher level of trust on their part, and it will be easier for you to heat up their interest in your product.

Offer a discount

It’s a good way of driving sales. The offer depends on the service or goods. It might be a free trial, like promoting digital products, an ebook, or simply a discount for your main product. This type of promotion is especially valuable when offering high-end products, as it gives an opportunity to test them before spending money. Such coupons can also incentivize a secondary purchase.

Provide links to your best posts

Improve your ranking on Google and facilitate navigation for readers. How to choose posts to link to? Use social shares and comments as the benchmarks. The surveys’ results are also meaningful. Besides, the posts should correspond to valid industry trends. For e-commerce websites, place the links to the bestselling products instead of posts and boost your sales!

Display social proof

Since over 86% of people read online reviews before making a purchase, why not take advantage of social proof? It shows the product’s popularity and practical value, and it might increase conversions. So, let’s see what works perfectly:

  •       Buyer testimonials
  •       Expert reviews
  •       Mentioning your number of subscribers
  •       Certifications and rewards
  •       Real-time stats
  •       Celebrity approval (both paid and natural)
  •       Case studies
  •       Media clippings
  •       List of partners

Best thank you page examples

It’s time to look through some real examples to find inspiration for your thank you page.

Nomadic Matt

This travel blogger offers tips, books and other materials to help readers make their traveling experience more exciting, comfortable and affordable. To not miss new posts, you can subscribe to the newsletter.

After the registration, you’ll see the thank you page with detailed instructions on what to do next to explore the blog: the best articles, travel guides, the best selling ebook and memoir. Also, the blogger promotes his social media pages and incentivizes readers to join the community to access additional content such as quizzes, photos and post updates.


This platform is dedicated to helping people plan their journeys around the world. When subscribing to the newsletter, visitors will be offered a free ebook as a thank you for their signup. Also, the page contains links to the social media groups and posts on trip planning as well as a sign-up form to request the best tips and hacks from the project authors.

Spartan Traveler

Spartan Traveler is another travel blog offering tips on how to fly around the world for almost pennies. You’ll learn how to find cheap accommodation, choose a travel destination, stay healthy and much more. After signing up, you’ll see a guideline on exploring the blog: how to join the social media community, find a specific post or check the FAQ, as the picture below shows:

How to increase conversion with a thank you page

Now, it’s time to put some of these examples into practice for your business. When choosing a template for your thank you page, consider the aspects of the website and products you want to get feedback on and try to collect as much information on visitors as possible. The more you know, the easier is to find the perfect strategy. And remember to go easy.

Thank you pages are meant to be inspiring!

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